Open jam 12 January

15.00 - 17.00 Open Jam


Teilingerstraat 120

3032 AW Rotterdam

Sign up for the event of 12 January

Your registration is appreciated. It is not necessary to sign up, but it is nice for the organizers to know who is coming, and it saves you and us time. You can also just come to the studio and we'll be happy to see you there!

* These data are needed for unforeseen cases. These, and all other data given by you, will be processed conforming to the European GDPR (Dutch adaptation: AVG) for communication & administration. By registering, you give permission for us to do this, with all related legal rights for you. Upper case and lower case letters are accepted as equal. If you received a discount code for a Contact Zone event, you can enter it here. If you don't have a code, you can just leave it blank. By clicking, your registration becomes definite and you'll receive a payment request. You promise that you will honor this request.